​​​​About the Committee:

The Committee for the Consideration of Violations of the Communications Law was established in accordance with Article (38) of the Communications Law promulgated by Royal Decree no. (M/12), dated 12/3/1422H. It is formed of five members well-known for their experience and knowledge. The Committee has the competence to review violations of the Communications Law, and performs its work with independence. The bylaws and procedures of the Committee for the Consideration of Violations of the Communications Law were also approved pursuant to CST’s Board of Directors Decision no. (12-132-2018), dated 501/07/1439H, corresponding to 18/03/2018.​​​
Competencies of the Committee: The Committee has the competence to review the allegations submitted by CST within the scope of the Communications Law and its Implementing Regulations and the regulatory decisions of CST


Powers of the Committee​


Conducting investigations and hearing statements


Seeking an expert opinion upon considering allegations


Reviewing all information related to a violation, including confidential information


Accepting any means of proof detected by the Committee upon considering allegations


Issuing its decision in the event that the person against whom the violation is alleged fails to respond


Imposing penalties​​

Major Allegations Considered by the Committee

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  • Providing telecommunications service, or establishing and operating a public telecommunications network without license from CST.
  • Creating, selling, promoting, or ​using prepaid calling cards in violation of the controls and instructions issued by the Board.
  • Importing, marketing, or using telecommunications devices or equipment that are inconsistent with the approved technical specifications
  • Damaging, interfering with, cutting off, or making illegal use of public telecommunications networks; disrupting communications; or preventing the exchange of information in general.
  • Declining to implement a decision issued by CST against a person against whom a violation is alleged; said decision shall include the written directive issued by a competent official at CST.
  • Using or possessing any telecommunications device not authorized to be used by CST.
  • Using any frequency without obtaining license from CST.
  • ​A service provider’s failure to provide CST with any report or information within its competence when so requested, as prescribed by the Regulations.