​​​​​​​​Telecommunications and Information Technology Bylaw

In accordance with Article 40 of the Communications and Information Technology Law enacted by Royal Decree No. (M/106) dated 2/11/1443 AH, the Implementing Regulations of the Law was issued by the Minister of Communications and Information Technology's Resolution No. (13) dated 14/05/1444 AH.

Click here to​​ view the Telecommunications and Information Technology Bylaw ​

National Specturem Plan

The National Frequency Spectrum Plan (NFP) was approved by the decision of the Council of Ministers No.(409) dated 25/8/1440H, for the purpose of achieving optimum utilization of this national resource, in conformity with International and regional conventionsregulations, and standards.The NFP includes the national frequency allocations table (NFAT), which illustrates the allocations of frequency bands for various radio services in the kingdom, in conformity with the Radio Regulations (R​R) issued by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The NFAT also shows the category of users allocated for each frequency band.

Click here to view the national frequency allocations table

Frequency Licensing Fees Regulations

​ Spectrum is a valuable resource for the public and private sectors to enable their use of wireless applications, and the demand for spectrum has increased exponentially due to the fast development in the wireless technology domain. The fees to use spectrum for wireless communication in the Kingdom is detailed in the Frequency Licensing Fees Regulations.
As part of the efforts to support investment in the wireless technology domain and regulating the access to this scarce resource, the ​Frequency Licensing Fees Regulations was approved in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (632) dated 15/11/1443​​H.

Click here to view the Frequency ​Licensing Fees Regulations

The U A U S Policy

Pursuant to H. E., the Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission Decision No 165/1428 dated 06.18.1428H, based on the approval of the CST​ Board of Directors, the Universal Service Fund was established and the Universal Service Policy was adopted under the Minister of Communications and Information Technology decision No 313 dated 21/5/1427.
Click here to view the decision on the establishment of the Universal Service Fund​

Click here to view the Universal Service Policy


Telecommunications Service Providers Forum Governance Regulations

CST issued Telecommunications Service Providers Forum Governance Regulations in the Kingdom, after considering and assessing international experiences and analyzing public consultation. These Regulations are intended to find common ground to achieve consensus and voting on common themes among Forum members in the ICT sector. ​

Click here to view the Telecommunications Service Providers Forum Governance Regulations Document

Rules and Procedures of the Committees for Reviewing Violations of the Telecommunication and Information Technology Act

Pursuant to Article 28.4 of Telecommunication and Information Technology Act issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 592 dated 01/11/1443, stipulating that “The Committee shall consider the violations according to the rules and procedures that the Board determines....” Accordingly, Rules and Procedures of the Committees for Reviewing Violations of the Telecommunication and Information Technology Act were issued by CST’s Board of director Decision No. (8-177-2022) dated 24/05/1444 AH

Click here to view the Rules and Procedure