Description Public Notice: PN No. ( 3 /1429)
Dated, 27/7/1429H, 30/7/2008G
On the following proposed documents: Rights-of-Way Guidelines (ROW Guidelines), Co-location for Outside Plant (OSP) Guidelines (Co-location Guidelines)
This Public Notice is issued by CITC in order to invite interested parties to participate in the public consultation and comment on the proposed Guidelines.
Comments Invited and Schedule
The Commission considers the participation of interested parties to be an important aspect of the regulation of the Telecommunications and ICT sector and, therefore, invites all specialists, interested parties and the public to provide detailed comments on the entire documentation, particularly on the questions raised in the consultation document. As rules on ROW also affect other utility infrastructures, CITC also seeks the comments of interested parties dealing with other utility services. The comments should be supported to the extent possible with relevant rationale, justifications, data, benchmarks and analysis.
Questions of clarification may be sent during the consultation period to the below mentioned address. CITC may publish these questions on its website.
In providing the comments, parties are kindly requested:
where appropriate, to indicate the reference in the mentioned documents (e.g. sections, paragraphs, numbers) to which their comments relate.
to specify contact details including the name of the party, address and phone number(s).
CITC intends to consider all the comments and associated rationale, justifications, data and analyze from the interested parties.
The consultation document and any responses to it are not binding on CITC. All responses are the property of the Commission, which might be reused by the Commission. The Commission may publish the comments on its website. Further, this public consultation and all responses to it do not imply any commitment on the part of the Commission.
All comments supported to the extent possible by justification must be received by the Commission no later than 18/10/1429H corresponding to 18/10/2008G to either one of the following addresses:
- E-mail to:

- Delivery by hand or by courier of a hard and soft copy to:
Deputy Governor for Technical Affairs
Communications and Information Technology Commission
King Fahad Road
P.O.Box 75606
Riyadh 11588
P.O.Box 75606
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia