
Satellite communication networks utilize space-borne platforms which include low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites, medium Earth orbiting (MEO) satellites, and geosynchronous Earth orbiting (GEO) satellites.


A geostationary satellite Earth orbit (GEO) is a circular orbit at 35,786 kilometers above the Earth's equator. An object in such an orbit has an orbital period equal to the Earth's rotational period and thus appears motionless, at a fixed position in the sky, to ground observers.

The GEO vehicle embarking a bent pipe payload or a regenerative payload telecommunication transmitter

About NTN


About NTN

Satellite: a space-borne vehicle embarking a bent pipe payload or a regenerative payload telecommunication transmitter, placed into medium-Earth orbit (MEO) typically at an altitude between 8000 to 20000 km.


THE Low earth orbit (LEO) is an Orbit around the Earth with an altitude between 500 kilometres (orbital period of about 88 minutes), and 2,000 kilometres (orbital period of about 127 minutes).

The Leo vehicle is embarking a bent pipe payload or a regenerative payload telecommunication transmitter

About NTN

Table Matrix

GEO (35,786km) MEO (8000 to 20000 km) LEO (500-2000KM)
Altitude latency High Low Very low
Earth coverage Very large Large Small
Satellites required Three Six Hundreds
Data gateways Few fixed Regional flexible Local numerous
Antenna speed Stationary 1-hour slow tracking 10-minute fast tracking
Advantages High throughput (HTS) technologies enable basic broadband internet applications Proven low latency comparable to terrestrial networks, offers fibre-equivalent performance Claims support for high-frequency trading, virtual gaming, and high-performance computing applications
Fewer satellites over verv large fixed geographical areas Simple equatorial orbit covers 96% of alobal population Smaller, lower power satellites batch-launched more cheaply than GEO
Disadvantages High altitude and distant ground networking impacts latencv-sensitive applications Dual tracking antennas required to maintain continuous connectivity Very complex tracking and ground network, plus complete constellation must be in place before service starts
Signal power losses require larger satellites and antennas Inclined plane orbits needed to cover high latitudes Unproven business model, risky technology, and space debris risk