CST is responsible for regulating the ICT and postal sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Telecommunications Act, issued by Royal Decree No. M/12, dated 5/3/1422H and its Bylaws, issued in 1423 H, provide the legal framework for organizing this sector. This Act involves a number of objectives such as: Providing advanced and adequate telecommunication services with affordable prices, creating an appropriate atmosphere to encourage fair competition, using frequencies effectively, localization of telecommunication technology and managing recent advancements, clarity and transparency in procedures, equality and neutrality, protection of the public interest as well as the interest of users and investors.
CST Ordinance issued pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (74), dated 5/3/1422H (corresponding to 27/5/2001) and amended pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (133), dated 21/5/1424H (corresponding to 21/7/2003), defines
CST mandate, functions, governance, and financing as the ICT regulator, having a legal personality, administratively and financially independent.
Pursuant to section (2) of the Cabinet Resolution No. (403) issued on12/7/1440 AH,
CST assumed the regulatory and supervisory functions of the postal sector, including the issuance of all regulations that ensure effective governance of the sector, provides transparency , regulating the market and stimulating investments in it.