​​​​​​ Maritime Service Maritime– ​Amateur

Licenses of (maritime - Amateur Radio Service)

Is a service that allows spectrum users to apply licenses for wireless devices and apply for Amateur Radio licenses

Beneficiary Category

  • Institutions (Companies, Government Agencies)
  • ​Individuals (Citizens And Residents)

Licenses of maritime devices​ :

Allocation of Frequencies for ships communication, coastal stations for port operations and commercial communications, marine navigation radars, and communication stations on yachts, ships, and boats ... etc. ​

Licenses of amateur devices​​​ :

Spectrum E-Services enables frequency users to apply for Amateur Radio Service Licensing​​

Amateur Radio test​:​

Amateur Radio Service is a radio communication service used for the purpose of self-training, communication, or technical research by amateur users. ​
​ ​ ​Amateur Radio Licenses Regulatory Documents​