The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission ("CITC"), pursuant to what was stated in the Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw and the Ordinance of the Communications and Information Technology Commission;
After reviewing what was stated in Chapter Seven of the Bylaw, and what was stated in the CITC Decision No. (393) dated 25/02/1427 H, on request for approving the amendment of the rates of international calls to different world countries,
hereby decides:
Article One:
The approval of the amendment of the rates of international calls to different world countries
Article Two:
The Saudi Telecommunications Company shall be mandated to publish these amendments pursuant to the Provisions of Article Forty Eight of the Telecommunications Bylaw.
Article Three:
This Decision shall be communicated to Saudi Telecommunications Company and the concerned parties to act accordingly.
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Al- Suwaiyel
Governor, CITC