The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), pursuant to the Articles of the Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw and the Ordinance of the Communications and Information Technology Commission, and after reviewing Chapter 7 of the Telecommunication Bylaw and what was stated in the letter of Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC) No. 430/TC dated 15/6/1430 H regarding Approval of the Service Corporate APN.
Hereby decides as follows:
Article One
Approval of the Service (Corporate APN) as per the Tariff in Annex(1).
Article Two
STC shall publish these amendments pursuant to Article Forty Eight of the Telecommunications Bylaw.
Article Three
STC shall allow interested Mobile Services Providers to Interconnect with its MPLS network on same conditions as for its business unit Aljawal at the cost of (24990 Riyals) per month.
Article Four
This decision shall be communicated to STC and all parties concerned to act accordingly.
Governor, CITC
Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Ahmed Al-Jaafari