Approval of the National Guidelines (NG) for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields

  • Number:
  • 247/1430
  • Date:
  • 07/12/1430 H
  • (Technical )
  • ( )
The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), pursuant to the Articles of  the Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw and the Ordinance of the Communications and Information Technology Commission, and after reviewing CITC  Decision No. 153 dated 08/02/1428H Guidelines for Limiting Exposure of Wireless Base Stations.
Hereby decides as follows
Article One
Approval of the National Guidelines (NG) for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, in accordance with the attached document.​
Article Two
This document replaces the Guidelines for Limiting Exposure of Wireless Base Stations issued by the Commission Decision No. 153 dated 08/02/1428H which shall be effective from 16/01/1431H, corresponding to 02/01/2010.​
Article Three
A time period of two years, from the date of approval of these National Guidelines, shall be provided to regularize the status of fixed radiofrequency (RF) sources existing before the issuance of the National Guidelines. Compliance documentation, as detailed in the National Guidelines, shall be submitted for at least 12.5% of fixed RF sources every three months until all fixed sources have been verified as compliant.
Article Four
This decision shall be communicated to all parties concerned to act accordingly.
Governor, CITC
Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Ahmed Al-Gaafari