Approval of ICT

  • Number:
  • 312/1432
  • Date:
  • 17/04/1432 H
  • (Regulatory )
  • (Telecommunication sector)
The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission, and after reviewing the Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw and the Ordinance of the Communications and Information Technology Commission, and after reviewing the results of the market study for  the telecommunications and information technology sector in the Kingdom for the year (1430 - 1431), and the need to develop performance indicators for the service providers contained in the decision No. (99/1426) dated 11/16/1426 H, commensurate with the developments in the sector and the global indicators trend, and for the work interest,

Hereby decides as follows
Article One
Approval of The  ICT indicators for The Telecommunications and Information Technology  Sector as set out in Annex (1).
Article Two
Service providers shall provide the required indicators specified in Annex(1), according to the periods specified  thereof; and not later than one month from the end dates therein.
Article Three
Indicators required once a year, shall be submitted at the end of the year including indicators on quarterly basis.
Article Four
In case the  required information is not available; service providers shall specify the reasons for non-availability and justification, and indicate the date when the  data shall  be  provided  before the end of the month referred to in Article II above.
Article Five
If needed, CITC shall review and audit the submitted indicators with the service provider, either directly or through an external auditor.
Article Six
This decision shall cancel Decision (99/1426) and Decision (188/1429).
Article Seven
This decision shall be communicated to all parties concerned to act according from the date of its approval.

Governor, CITC
Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Ahmed Al-Jaafari 