Pursuant to what is stated in the Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw, and the Ordinance of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) in order to achieve the objectives of CITC to stimulate investment in ICT infrastructure, promote the spread of broadband services, and provide high quality telecommunications services, and in accordance with CITC Board of Directors decision No. (6-134-2018) date 12/9/1439H corresponding to 27/5/2018 related to the Rules for ICT Infrastructure Provision and Deployment in New Developments,
it has been decided:
Approval of the Rules for ICT Infrastructure Provision and Deployment in New Developments, in the form attached to this decision.
This decision shall be communicated to concerned parties to act in accordingly, from the date of its issuance.
Dr. Abdulaziz Salem AlRwais
Governor, CITC