Regulation for Reduction of SPAM

  • Number:
  • 1439/395
  • Date:
  • 03/11/1439 H
  • (Regulatory )
  • (Telecommunication sector)

The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), with the powers he holds, and pursuant to the Telecommunications Act, the Bylaw and the Ordinance of the CITC, and based on the need to update the SPAM Reduction Regulation, and in accordance with the work requirements and interests, 

Decides the following:

Article One:
Stop working with decision 1431/259 dated 12/4/1431H.

Article Two:
Approves the Regulation for Reduction of SPAM, in accordance with the attached document. 

Article Three:
This Decision is to be communicated to all concerned parties, to act accordingly from the date of issue of this Decision.

Dr. Abdulaziz Salem Alruwais
Governor, CITC