First: General requirements for Class 1 and Class 2 radio amateurs:
- Regulations and operating matters:
- Amateur Radio Service Regulations in the Kingdom
- Frequency bands identified for radio amateurs in the Kingdom.
- Items related to amateur radio service in International Radio Regulations.
- Regulations on safety dealing with electric systems.
- Dealing with amateur radio communications.
- Spelling table mentioned in appendix (24) of the International Radio Regulations.
- The Q Code wherever possible for the amateur radio service.
- Knowledge of call signal of amateur radio service in different countries.
- Station register and information registration tickets exchanged among amateurs (QSL).
- Technical matters:
- Fundamentals of electricity technologies.
- Fundamentals of wireless transmission technologies.
- Operation of amateur radio receiver.
- Operation of amateur radio transmitter
- Measurement of frequencies.
Second: Additional requirements for Class (1) amateurs
- Radio antennae and their adjustment.
- Stability of transmission frequency and level of the transmitter tone or tune quality.
- Relation between width and type of transmission band.
- Marginal transmission of transmitters and how to mitigate it.
- Blocking the effect of amateur radio station on other radio equipment as well as the electricity network.
- Current electric input power and output power of different transmission categories.
- Very high frequency (VHF) and ultra-high frequency (UHF) technologies.
- Basic knowledge of radio waves propagation.
- Basic knowledge of Morse code
Third: Score
The percentage to pass the exam is 65% of the total score.