Extending telecom services to all localities that do not have voice or internet services, or localities that do not have acceptable quality of services as follows:
Universal Service (US): Targeting localities with population between 100 and 5,000 as well as all administrative centers.
Universal Access (UA): Targeting localities with population less than 100.
Voice Service
- Providing mobile voice service with indoor signal strength to all localities that targeted by the USF to be covered as US.
- Providing mobile voice service with outdoor signal strength so it can be accessed within a distance of not more than 10 km for all targeted localities that targeted by the USF to be covered as UA.
Internet Service
- Providing internet service in US localities with minimum speed of 512 Kbps.
- Providing public internet service in UA localities with minimum speed of 512 Kbps. Otherwise, it shall be covered as a US.