The CITC has decided to extend the deadline for submitting comments on the draft National Standard Specifications for Telecommunications and information Technology Equipment until 3/7/1426H corresponding to 8/8/2005G.
Pursuant to the Telecommunications Act and its Bylaw, the Commission has completed the draft National Standard Specifications for telecommunications and information technology equipment. These specifications will be used by the commission as the technical basis approving, registering and licensing telecom and IT equipment to be imported and/or used in the Kingdom. Once approved, these specifications will have to be adhered to by all parties importing or selling such equipment in the Kingdom. These draft standard specifications were prepared based on the standards issuing by international standards setting bodies such as ITU, FCC, IEC, ETSI….etc.
The Commission considers the participation of interested parties to be an important aspect of the regulation of the telecommunications and IT sector and therefore invites detailed comments with supporting analysis and data on the proposed specifications.
In order to simplify the public consultation process and to enable the greater possible number of interested organizations, inside and outside the Kingdom, to participate in the process, the Commission prepared the draft National Standard Specifications in English. The Commission will publish the specifications in both the Arabic and English languages at the approval stage.
Comments would be welcome on the whole documents with special emphasis on the specification GEN 001 (The General Requirements).
All comments supported to the extent possible by justification must be received by the Commission no later than 5/06/1426H corresponding to 11/07/2005G.
The Commission intends to consider these comments while finalising the specifications.
All responses are the property of the Commission who may reproduce such comments.
Furthermore, this public consultation and all responses to it do not imply any commitment on the part of the Commission.
Comments can be delivered by hand or by courier to:
- Deputy Governor for Technical Affairs,
Communications and Information Technology Commission,
King Fahad Road,
K.S.A - or sent directly by email to:

Last updated: 3/18/2006