Public Notice: PN No. ( 5 /1429)
Dated, 14/10/1429H, 14/10/2008G
Request for Public Comments on proposed documents: Rights-of-Way Guidelines (ROW Guidelines), Co-location for Outside Plant (OSP) Guidelines (Co-location Guidelines)
In reference to Public Notice no. (3 /1429) dated 27/7/1429H (30/7/2008G) regarding the
pro-posed aforementioned documents, the Communications and Information Technology Com-mission (CITC) has invited interested parties to participate in the public consultation and to comment on the proposed Guidelines documents.
Because of the importance of these guidelines, which will have a great impact on the efficiency and speed of telecommunications network rollouts and investment, and to give the opportunity to all interested parties to make a thorough technical, regulatory, and economic study of the subject, the CITC has decided to extend the public consultation period by three months.
All comments, supported to the extent possible by justifications, must be received by the Com-mission no later than 18/1/1430H corresponding to 15/1/2009G to either one of the following addresses:
- E-mail to:

- Delivery by hand or by courier of a hard and soft copy to:
Deputy Governor for Technical Affairs
Communications and Information Technology Commission
King Fahad Road
P.O.Box 75606
Riyadh 11588
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia