Number 1/1429
Issue Date 26/5/1429H; corresponding to 31/5/2008G
Expiry Date 9/7/1429H, corresponding to 12/7/2008G
Category Regulation
The CITC invites all members of the public, including private individuals, public organizations and commercial entities (together, the “Respondents”) to participate in this Public Consultation process for Telecommunications Market Definition and Dominance. The objective of this Public Consultation is to provide Respondents with the opportunity to make comments to the CITC on the issues associated with the definition of telecommunications markets, the determination of dominance in such markets and stipulate remedies to address dominance in such defined markets, once identified
The CITC intends to publish, by way of decision, a Regulatory Framework for Telecommunications Market Dominance (the “Regulatory Framework”). A draft of the Regulatory Framework is included in the Annex of this Public Consultation Document. The CITC also intends to issue a designation decision that identifies dominant service providers in each of the relevant telecommunications service markets, which would update and replace Decision 1/1423H.
The CITC welcomes all comments on the Public Consultation Document. The CITC particularly invites comments and responses to the specific numbered “Questions” set out in this Public Consultation Document (the “Consultation Questions”). The CITC encourages Respondents to support all comments with relevant data, analysis, benchmarking studies and information based on the national situation or on the experience of other countries to support their comments. The CITC may give greater weight to comments supported by appropriate evidence. In providing their comments, Respondents are requested to indicate the number of the Consultation Question(s) to which the comment relates. Respondents are not required to comment on all Consultation Questions. The CITC is under no obligation to adopt the comments of any Respondent.
Copies of all comments submitted by Respondents in relation to this Consultation Document will be published on the CITC’s website at Claims of confidentiality will be determined by the CITC in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. Generally speaking, statements of opinion will not be regarded as confidential by the CITC.
Respondents who wish to express opinions on this Public Consultation Document are invited to submit their comments in writing to the CITC. All comments must be received by the CITC no later than 9/7/1429H, corresponding to 12/7/2008G.
Comments filed in relation to this Public Consultation Document may be submitted to one or more of the following addresses:
- E-mail to:

- Delivery (hard and soft copy) by hand or by courier to:
Office of the Governor,
Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC)
King Fahad Road, P.O. Box 75606
Riyadh 11588
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia